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Ruojia Sun, Ryosuke Onose, Margaret Dunne, Andrea Ling, Cindy Hsin-Liu Kao

Weaving possesses the structural and aesthetic capacities for creating soft, wearable forms that support technological integration and self-expression. We extend a woven approach for fabricating on-skin interfaces, slim, skin-conformable devices that allow seamless interaction on the skin surface. In contrast to previous film-based fabrication methods, the unique structures of weaving support robust multi-functional devices, electrical connections between device layers, and integration of novel materials. We illustrate the functional and design space of woven on-skin interfaces through a series of case studies. We also conduct 2 user studies to understand device wearability and feasibility for textiles practitioners to create personalized on-skin interfaces using our approach.



Ruojia Sun, Ryosuke Onose, Margaret Dunne, Andrea Ling, Amanda Denham, and Hsin-Liu (Cindy) Kao. 2020. Weaving a Second Skin: Exploring Opportunities for Crafting On-Skin Interfaces Through Weaving. In Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS '20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 365–377. (24% acceptance rate)


Best Paper Honorable Mention Award

Best Demo Award




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